Class Hierarchy

Class Hierarchy#

API library: Class Hierarchy
API library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Crocrand_cpp::errorA run-time rocRAND error
 Crocrand_cpp::lfsr113_engine< DefaultSeedX, DefaultSeedY, DefaultSeedZ, DefaultSeedW >Random number engine based on the LFSR113 algorithm
 Crocrand_cpp::lognormal_distribution< RealType >Produces positive random numbers according to a log-normal distribution
 Crocrand_cpp::mrg31k3p_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based MRG31k3p CMRG
 Crocrand_cpp::mrg32k3a_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based MRG32k3a CMRG
 Crocrand_cpp::mt19937_engine< DefaultSeed >Random number engine based on the Mersenne Twister algorithm
 Crocrand_cpp::mtgp32_engine< DefaultSeed >Random number engine based on the Mersenne Twister for Graphic Processors algorithm
 Crocrand_cpp::normal_distribution< RealType >Produces random numbers according to a normal distribution
 Crocrand_cpp::lognormal_distribution< RealType >::param_typeThe type of the distribution parameter set
 Crocrand_cpp::normal_distribution< RealType >::param_typeThe type of the distribution parameter set
 Crocrand_cpp::poisson_distribution< IntType >::param_typeThe type of the distribution parameter set
 Crocrand_cpp::philox4x32_10_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based Philox algorithm
 Crocrand_cpp::poisson_distribution< IntType >Produces random non-negative integer values distributed according to Poisson distribution
 Crocrand_discrete_distribution_stRepresents a discrete probability distribution
 Crocrand_cpp::scrambled_sobol32_engine< DefaultNumDimensions >Sobol's scrambled quasi-random sequence generator
 Crocrand_cpp::scrambled_sobol64_engine< DefaultNumDimensions >Sobol's scrambled quasi-random sequence generator
 Crocrand_cpp::sobol32_engine< DefaultNumDimensions >Sobol's quasi-random sequence generator
 Crocrand_cpp::sobol64_engine< DefaultNumDimensions >Sobol's quasi-random sequence generator
 Crocrand_cpp::threefry2x32_20_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based on 2 state ThreeFry
 Crocrand_cpp::threefry2x64_20_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based 2 state ThreeFry
 Crocrand_cpp::threefry4x32_20_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based on 2 state ThreeFry
 Crocrand_cpp::threefry4x64_20_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based 2 state ThreeFry
 Crocrand_cpp::uniform_int_distribution< IntType >Produces random integer values uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 2^(sizeof(IntType)*8) - 1]
 Crocrand_cpp::uniform_real_distribution< RealType >Produces random floating-point values uniformly distributed on the interval (0, 1]
 Crocrand_cpp::xorwow_engine< DefaultSeed >Pseudorandom number engine based XORWOW algorithm